<aside> šŸ“š For further details, check our documentation.


Pods Protocol was built on top of two core components: the Options Instrument and the Options AMM.

The Options Instrument only defines the functions that will impact the creation of an option (with certain characteristics), the collateral and its exercise. It has the function of mint, unmint, exercise and withdraw both calls and puts. The implementation requires the options to be fully collateralized. The options can be European and have a physical settlement, leaving no liquidation systems exposure.

Pricing and trading options tokens happen in the options AMM. For that to happen, the Options AMM:

An option seller can lock collateral in an options contract, sell it to the options AMM for the current premium. An option buyer can buy the options tokens directly on the AMM, paying the current premium.

Users that seek liquidity provision methods can provide liquidity to the options pools with options tokens and/or stablecoins.

High level example

Consider a put option for WBTC:USDC, strike price 7000, premium 3 DAI, expiration date May 30.

The notationĀ WBTC:USDCĀ means that WBTC is the underlying asset and USDC is the strike asset. Since this is a put option on WBTC price, the collateral will be held in USDC.

The seller locks collateral in the contract, mints options tokens, and sells them in the Options AMM at the current price. Our current pricing model follows an adaptation of the Black-Scholes formula for pricing European options. For more details, see theĀ protocol docs.